Refrigerated/ freezing cabinets

Due to the fact that no mortuary is the same and the available space is always different no refrigerated/ freezing cabinet is the same and there are no standard. Each cabinet will be realized in accordance to your wishes/ demands.

The refrigerated/ freezing cabinets can be supplied with a partition wall

  1. Justice partition
    A perforated partition will divide the cabinet into various vertical compartments. Due to this wall it is not possible to get access via one hatch into a different compartment. The individual hatches need to be executed with a lock.
  2. DNA Segregation
    Each compartment is completely separated from the other. Therefor it is not possible to get DNA contamination between two bodies. Each compartment will need to have its own evaporator. The individual hatches need to be executed with a lock.

The cabinets can also be executed as a pass through model. Both front and rear are fitted with hatches so a body can be passed from the “clean” side to the “contaminated” side via de cabinet. The Cabinets can be fitted with roller conveyors and body trays.

Koelcel-Doorgeef Koelcel-dicht  Koelcel-open

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